Thursday, November 28, 2013

EOC Week 9: Mission Statement

Isa is the Filipino word for “one”; Isa soup is providing the connection from those affected by the disaster in the Philippines. Our job here is not only to make a great experience for families here in the US but to also  those who are broken and torn across the globe. The best part about all of this is how easy it is for anyone to help! By purchasing Isa Soup you will be providing the help that those affected need. Not only will funds go to those who need medical attention but Isa Soup will be provided to feed those without food. Throughout tragedy: being able to put a smile on a child’s, a mother’s, or any victim’s face is worth the effort isn’t it? If you love Isa, imagine how much someone in need of it would love it! Share the experience. We are Isa world, let’s live like it.

This statement is important because it is the one thing on our product printed besides the name and diet info. " Perhaps the most important step in the marketing process involves building value-laden, profitable relationships with target customers." (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 31)

SWOT Analysis

Strengths of this product come down to the quality of the food for the price. " The two fold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction" (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 5). Not only would the quality stand out amongst opponents but it would also be for a great benefit to those affected in the Philippines. No other major soup brand is doing what we are doing. That gives us a major advantage over any. 

Weaknesses  of Isa Soup are the name brand not being as well known or advertised as much as say Campbell's.  On this note, Isa Soup would reach out through traditional advertising and social networking. With the quality of our product it will be easy to build a loyal fan base who also love to help out the world. " Rather than relying only on one-way, mass-media messages, today’s marketers are incorporating new, more interactive approaches that help build targeted, two-way customer relationships." (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 18)

Opportunities for this product are endless. The ease of interacting with the product and its high standards for helping are just the beginning. This product can be used for many different situations from being the snack for a hungry child to being the survival food for soldiers across seas. This product is very adaptable and will not just have one go around in the market. " In contrast, the strategic plan involves adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities in its constantly changing environment" (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 39)

Threats are very prevalent  in the canned/pouched food industry. Look down the isles of a grocery store and you can see them. The dirt cheap prices of some brands make them a go to for the lower class and those on a tight budget but our food has the better quality. Not to worry because we have a marketing plan in place. "Marketing planning involves deciding on marketing strategies that will help the company attain its overall strategic objectives. A detailed marketing plan is needed for each business, product, or brand. " (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 56)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week 8 EOC: Creative Content

My creative content for my final project is going to be some kind of audio clip featuring my product. Advertising my product is going to only be half the battle as much as getting the message of what the product is all about. Of course it will not just be some guy going on about how much you can help save the planet. It will be convincing, it will be entertaining, and most importantly it will be informative. Informative in terms that it will explain the disasters affecting the less fortunate. Featuring the opinions of actual customers, they will give the experience of the product that is Isa Soup and mention how important it is that we all help one another in this world. Creating a bridge between two different but similar worlds is the goal of my product. To create understanding, to create union, to create one people is a feat to accomplish. Done on Protools and recorded on my laptop this will be a very simple procedure. Possibly i may also include an image of some kind that reflects the voice commercial spot.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 7 The Pitch

Isa is a pouch of soup aimed to help the victims of the tragic typhoon in the Philippines. The pouch would come in a one size serving that would be perfect for portability, convenience, and experience. The pouch would come in a material that could easily be heated by any heat source from microwaves to open flames. The pouch would be able to be poured in a bowl, eaten right from the pouch, or consumed like a  smoothie would be with a straw that would be created specifically for Isa soup pouches. They would appeal to children because of their experience of eating while able to play, appealing to parents because of the ease of making them but also because they are a nutritious and organic meal. People who are on the go from jobs to school will be able to quickly have a meal that they can take with them that is also healthy. Isa soup pouches are also very good for people who are out doorsy because of the soup being able to last for a long while. The funds from the soup will not only be sent to help the victims in the Philippines but the soup pouches themselves will be donated to help fight hunger all across the world. We have our set of goals we will abide by, " focus of strategic planning—the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities." (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 39) For a reasonable price, there couldn't be a better way to help yourself and the world. The word Isa is exactly what it means, "one" we are one world, we are one people, we are Isa.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 6 EOC: Me x 3

The company Sabian produces and crafts cymbals used in many different forms of percussion music.They are one of the top producers of cymbals in the business and are among the best quality in my opinion. I have been using Sabian cymbals for years now but it wasn't always that way. I tried many other brands before choosing this one as my favorite. Not only do they have an extremely diverse library of cymbals each with their own sound, but they are one of the only companies that offer a two year warranty on their cymbal product. Sabian cymbals are durable, sound great, and are a fantastic company to work with and buy from.

CD's are an invention that are not as widely used as they used to be. Most of what i use them for are for music but are also useful as a hard copy of my hard work. I find that it is rare that people actually buy CD's anymore and that's why i feel it is worth it to actually mention i buy them on a regular basis. All of the music on my MP3 player is from CD's i purchased. Every few weeks i go to my local record store and stock up on new music and lots of old tunes as well. Not only do CD's sound better but they come with the lyrics and lots of personal stuff from the bands. I like feeling close to the band and it makes me a better fan by supporting them so personally.

The good old classic live show experience is something that everyone should experience. Not only do live shows support the bands that are performing, but they are he purest experience that can be had by the band. I usually average about 10-15 concerts a year, all are bands that i love and support. My wall of ticket stubs would out number this picture 3 to 1. People i know say that concerts are a waste of time now that i can see them on TV for much cheaper. I pity these people because it is not the same experience , sound, or interaction. Seeing a concert has become a ritual for me and i plan to see many, many more in the future to come.