Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 6 EOC: Me x 3

The company Sabian produces and crafts cymbals used in many different forms of percussion music.They are one of the top producers of cymbals in the business and are among the best quality in my opinion. I have been using Sabian cymbals for years now but it wasn't always that way. I tried many other brands before choosing this one as my favorite. Not only do they have an extremely diverse library of cymbals each with their own sound, but they are one of the only companies that offer a two year warranty on their cymbal product. Sabian cymbals are durable, sound great, and are a fantastic company to work with and buy from.

CD's are an invention that are not as widely used as they used to be. Most of what i use them for are for music but are also useful as a hard copy of my hard work. I find that it is rare that people actually buy CD's anymore and that's why i feel it is worth it to actually mention i buy them on a regular basis. All of the music on my MP3 player is from CD's i purchased. Every few weeks i go to my local record store and stock up on new music and lots of old tunes as well. Not only do CD's sound better but they come with the lyrics and lots of personal stuff from the bands. I like feeling close to the band and it makes me a better fan by supporting them so personally.

The good old classic live show experience is something that everyone should experience. Not only do live shows support the bands that are performing, but they are he purest experience that can be had by the band. I usually average about 10-15 concerts a year, all are bands that i love and support. My wall of ticket stubs would out number this picture 3 to 1. People i know say that concerts are a waste of time now that i can see them on TV for much cheaper. I pity these people because it is not the same experience , sound, or interaction. Seeing a concert has become a ritual for me and i plan to see many, many more in the future to come.

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