Product: The product it self will have to be appealing for a number of reasons. To be any good to anyone people are going to want it; for the mix of benefits, features, price, and quality there really isn't much to not enjoy about the product. People want to want the product and there are plenty of reasons for them to. "A company can prepare marketing plans for these major public's as well as for its customer markets. Suppose the company wants a specific response from a particular public, such as goodwill, favorable word of mouth, or donations of time or money. The company would have to design an offer to this public that is attractive enough to produce the desired response." (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 70)
Distribution: Whole Foods would be the primary distributor in that this is where the product would launch. After time goes and Isa Soup makes more of a name for itself there could be the product in grocery stores, retail stores, even gas stations and specialty stores. There would be a growing distribution channel or "a set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user." (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 311)
Promotion: Promotion is one of the easiest parts of marketing considering there are so many different mediums of promotion from physical to digital. Most recently th internet is the hot spot; "new technologies have profoundly changed the ways in which people relate to one another. New tools for relating include everything from e-mail, Web sites, blogs, cell phones, and video sharing to online communities and social networks such as MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter." (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 18) Hiring people who are big on these mediums to get the word out would help there ethics in that they look good for supporting a cause and help my product in that we get advertisement.
Price: Price is a very hard place for consumer and company because it is one of the most important parts of the product. One of the first things on a consumer's mind is the price. Unfortunately, "price is only one of the marketing mix tools that a company uses to achieve its marketing objectives. Price decisions must be coordinated with product design, distribution, and promotion decisions to form a consistent and effective integrated marketing program. Decisions made for other marketing mix variables may affect pricing decisions." (Armstrong, Kotler, pg 281) It will be priced as low as it can be for the quality and the benefit of donations. Price: 2.99 each
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